on nervousness


tomorrow is the day i set off for my first overnight hike. i'm trekking along a portion of the great north walk, a multiday hiking track from sydney to newcastle in new south wales, australia. i'm doing it solo. understandably, i'm nervous. i'm feeling lazy. i'm very aware that there are things i could be doing instead, other than a risky, 17 kilometre track, alone, for two days.

notable worries include:

lots of reasonable fears here. also, nothing i haven't taken precautions for. most of the trail i'm taking has reception. if i get injured, i can easily call for help and identify my position on a map. if i can't do the return trip, i can get an uber from the closest main road to the nearest train station. i've bought locks and lots of extra clothes. so, the risks are mitigated.

with the fears dealt with, i can now get excited for the things that will bring me joy on this trip. firstly, the exercise. i struggle to get an appropriate amount of exercise every week. i'm not overly sedentary, but i wouldn't call myself fit. exercise happens maybe once or twice a week for me. to devote two whole days to using my body as a resource is going to be exhilirating

next, i'm looking forward to witnessing the incredible flora and fauna of this area. i've walked some of this track before, and this time i'm hoping to try identifying familiar weeds, and getting descriptions for birds so that i can identify them when i'm home. journaling these discoveries and really getting in touch with myself and with nature is going to be one of my biggest takeaways from this trip. i can't wait to watch the stars at night and the sunrise in the morning.

lastly, i want to prove to myself that i can be self-reliant. that i can go do extraordinary things. that the only thing stopping me is nothing. i want to prove that i can know what's best for myself, that i can look after myself, and that i can give myself numinous experiences.

having written all of this out, it's clear that the benefits outweigh the risks and the great things outbalance the scary things. there are so many cool things in this world. i can't wait to experience them.